✔️ Learn at your own Pace.

✔️ Learn at your own Convenience.

✔️ Learn to Earn!

Our courses are like having your own business coach at a fraction of the cost and the time commitment. 

Learn how to start a business, scale a business, sell a business, and everything in between to grow your business faster and make more money today and the day you sell it.

Michael Morrison, Founder & CEO of BOSS



I am the Founder & CEO of B.O.S.S.

I want to help make your life easier as a business owner!

I am an entrepreneur, husband, father, and coach with a passion for helping others live a life they love.

Why? Because I've been there and still am.

I understand what it’s like working long hours and never leaving the office, ending the day and not feeling like you’ve accomplished anything, constantly putting out fires and the chaos of managing cash.

Today, I work on my businesses and not in my businesses.

I've learned how to own businesses that fit my lifestyle and not the other way around.

Our courses show you how to do the same from personal experience.

I want to help guide you to have a profitable business that continues to successfully run when you are not in the office.

I want to help you make business ownership simpler and more enjoyable!

Our courses do that and more!

Join us!


"I used to spend countless hours researching the internet and reading books only to be more confused as to what to do next for my business.

BOSS coaches and courses guide me with easy step-by-step instructions. Almost like a paint-by-number picture.

My new business is soaring now!"

- Shane Loftiss, CEO Air Right Environmental

Shane Loftiss, CEO Air Right Environmental
Jimmy Owens, CEO Design Tunnel

"Hands down, BOSS can help you and your business!

I can say this because they have helped me since 2021.

If you are ready to be honest and put in the work, extraordinary results could be your end product."

- Jimmy Owens, CEO Design Tunnel, Video Producers

Kalie Fry, CEO Atlas Marketing

"Investing in BOSS curriculum has been one of the best decisions I've made in my business!

I walk away with the clarity and actionable steps I need to fill in the gaps. With their leadership, business, and marketing experience, they are absolutely indispensable!

I highly recommend BOSS to any business owner wanting to build strong foundations and systems for growth. They take all the guesswork out of growing a business!"

- Kalie Fry, CEO Atlas Marketing

Mike McWhorter, CEO Quality Food Equipment

"If your business is running you instead of the other way around you NEED BOSS!

Their knowledge of processes and procedures as well as experience in sales strategy has given me more freedom and empowered my staff to accomplish more with less stress.

BOSS has taught me to evaluate my needs and create easy to follow procedures to reduce training time and increase capacity whether in Sales, Production or Administration."

- Mike McWhorter, CEO Quality Food Equipment

B.O.S.S. Online Courses Are Designed Exclusively For Business Owners!

Our courses give you insight into the strategies and processes used by leading entrepreneurs and award-winning business owners.